Thinking about decorating for Halloween? Here are some easy and fabulous "life hacks" to help take the "trick" out of decorating your house and turn it into a treat.
Forget pupkins, turn milk jugs into laterns with the help of Christmas lights, glow sticks or a head lamp. (Also gives you a jump start on detangling your xmas lights)
Vampire pumpkins, why not, candy teeth or fangs from the dollar store with pin eyes do the trick.
Cute and easy way to decorate pumpkings, knee high stalkings!
Glow in the dark pumpkins and a little masking tape, make for a scary combination.
Make holes with a power drill for a decorative effect.
Coloured glow sticks are a great option for kids and a safe alternative to candles.
Use a pin or nail to trace marks into pumpkins.
Use a mallet and a cookie cutter for fast, sharp and effective shapes or eyes.
Cut the top and side out of the pumpkin for easy candle installation.
Turn a pumpkin into a Keg. 
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